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Ortuzar Projects

( Art Gallery Website Redesign )

This is a gallery page redesign project. I used serif fonts for the headings and sans serif fonts for the important information. This contrast not only makes the page more artistic, but also ensures that all the information is readable.By presenting the artwork as the main focus of the page design and using the gallery image as the background, I have also helped the viewer to understand and be interested in the exhibition as they navigate through the page.
Expand Your Vision

( Motion and AR Poster Design )

The aim of this project was to create an animation based on the exhibition theme using AE and then use Artivive to create an AR poster. The theme of this poster is Expand Your Vision and I chose to focus on stray dogs. By showing stray dogs yearning for freedom and a better living environment, I hope to promote the importance of protecting stray dogs and allowing them to expand their visions to the audience.
Beethoven, Mozart, and Bach Piano Concerts 

( Poster Design )

For this project, I was required to design posters based on the concerts of three famous composers. I chose piano keys and sheet music as my inspiration and used these elements in the design. The overall style of the poster is modern and minimalist, so that it fits in with modern aesthetics and appeals to a younger audience.
The Guardian

( Online News Redesign )

The Guardian was a website for online news. I chose bold and contrasting colors for the design, which were blue and white, to emphasize the importance of contemporary issues shown in the news. The constant switching between black and white in the background of the article also enhanced the viewer's attention and avoided visual fatigue. In this way, the online news was presented in an innovative and readable way, emphasizing the urgency of the events.
Nike NYC Run

( Poster Design )

In this project, the aim was to design a set of posters for Nike. When designing the poster, I aimed to emphasize the simplicity of the Nike brand and used the grid as a secondary motif in the poster. The use of the grid adds a sense of movement and depth to the posters, which fits the theme of 'Nike NYC Run'.

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